
Outdoor Week Ending 8/26/12

Run  Rclimb  Long  Lclimb  Hike  Hclimb  OnFeet
6:49   1960    2:33    800   10:36    3945    17:25

Good week, feeling pretty strong, but longing for cooler temps soon!

Some Pix -- Giant rock out on the breakneck ridge trail
 Third reservoir, just before I spooked 3 wild turkey coming around another big rock
 Despite lots of thunderstorms, water levels are low this year
 Looking east from Harriman park
 Zoom 20x to see a little bit of the Hudson River about 10 miles away
 This guy I'd seen before, out on the Suffern-Bear Mountain trail
 This time a female with a pretty golden color -- would have run into striking range but saw her...

I saw three timber rattlesnakes this week. The Ramapo highlands are loaded with them. Just makes you run more aware. I clap my hands sometimes when the trail has underbrush at the sides. Can't run with headphones really or you miss all those little sounds:  chipmunks, skenks, snakes...

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