My totals for 2012 were 622 hours of combined running and hiking with 260,000 feet of climb. I posted at year end:
This is my 2012 Training Overview of weekly totals for hours per week, and longest run for that week. The plan follows a 3 week training cycle, which is further described after the overview.
Running --------------------------------------
Week Planned Actual Long Long Hiking Time
Ends Hours Long Hours Climb Time Climb Time Climb On Feet
1/8 4:37 2500 1:32 1000 2:05 960 6:42
1/15 4:52 1:20 4:32 2700 1:25 1100 0:42 280 5:14
1/22 5:32 2:13 5:37 3060 2:20 1900 0:00 0 5:37
1/29 5:12 1:50 5:23 2440 1:56 1800 0:55 250 6:18
2/5 5:05 1:22 5:17 3900 1:29 1300 1:30 450 6:47
2/12 6:06 2:40 6:24 3600 2:53 2300 0:00 0 6:24
2/19 5:31 2:01 6:15 3150 2:03 1100 2:21 860 8:36
2/26 5:17 1:24 5:15 2820 2:15 1700 1:13 500 6:28
3/4 6:34 3:03 6:36 3380 3:30 2300 3:22 850 9:58
3/11 5:44 2:09 6:42 3480 2:17 1800 2:48 1650 9:30
3/18 5:24 1:26 5:34 2520 1:53 1200 9:18 5220 14:52
3/25 6:54 3:19 7:03 3840 3:53 3100 4:30 2780 11:33
4/1 5:55 2:15 6:26 3400 2:37 1700 4:50 2560 11:16
4/8 5:31 1:27 4:33 1740 1:42 800 8:25 3040 12:58
4/15 7:12 3:34 7:37 4000 3:43 3000 4:40 1950 12:17
4/22 6:05 2:21 6:39 2855 2:35 1450 4:18 2230 10:57
4/29 5:37 1:28 5:45 2780 1:41 1230 2:00 270 7:45
5/6 7:29 3:46 7:39 2760 4:29 1620 2:26 1050 10:05
5/13 6:14 2:26 6:44 2160 2:11 900 6:12 2830 12:56
5/20 5:43 1:29 6:25 3090 1:29 1100 3:35 1385 10:00
5/27 7:41 3:57 7:48 1210 4:27 450 4:45 3200 12:33
6/3 6:18 2:29 4:58 1560 1:37 900 6:59 2855 11:57
6/10 5:44 1:29 7:29 2600 2:23 1100 3:03 1785 10:32
6/17 7:43 3:58 8:12 6725 4:43 5925 5:01 2430 13:13
6/24 6:19 2:29 5:20 1620 1:34 600 9:07 4660 14:27
7/1 5:44 1:29 6:27 2585 2:35 1600 6:16 2760 12:43
7/8 7:44 3:59 8:03 5378 3:18 3068 5:22 2768 13:26
7/15 6:19 2:29 3:55 840 1:11 300 8:11 3520 12:06
7/22 5:44 1:29 6:22 2560 1:43 1000 7:04 3120 13:26
7/29 7:42 Escarp 7:00 5850 5:01 5000 4:54 1250 11:54
8/5 6:18 2:29 2:49 1150 1:57 800 7:42 2100 10:31
8/12 5:43 1:29 7:23 2250 2:07 700 11:25 4080 18:48
8/19 7:39 3:56 7:54 2655 2:53 875 10:16 7055 18:10
8/26 6:13 2:26 6:49 1960 2:33 800 10:36 3945 17:25
9/2 5:38 1:28 4:14 940 1:29 500 11:46 6175 16:00
From here I tracked only time on feet and climb:
9/9 16:52 6,350
9/16 14:03 4,000
9/23 18:08 5,000
9/30 12:38 3,500
10/7 17:12 4,800
10/14 15:19 7,860
10/21 13:19 5,880
10/28 8:43 3,750
11/4 12:56 4,280
11/11 13:29 6,230
11/18 14:27 5,300
11/25 11:58 4,150
12/2 11:14 3,600
12/9 20:39 6,200
12/16 15:43 4,970
12/23 10:30 3,200
12/30 1:29 500
*At the bottom is the training detail through August
As of September, I completed my formal training plan for the year, and followed a more go-as-you-please training style for a while, which I posted on separately. This training plan worked great in setting me up for my goal race of the Escarpment trail, but I want to try something new.
I was going over my training for the last 6 years to see what seemed to work the best. My training has focused on one or two goal races, recently only the Escarpment trail (4-5 hours mountain race), but previously I had a second goal of a fall ultra, either 50k or 50 miles.
My best year was 2006, where I set PRs on the Escarpment trail and at 50 miles. 2007 wasn't far behind, but I trained a little too hard in retrospect. The key to my 2006 training was building up to a decent volume (for me) of about 7.5 hrs/week, and I think more importantly, doing a 2 to 2:30 weekly run.
This year I again have multiple goals of doing the Escarpment trail and also a 50k later in the year, but I'm trying to be realistic about how much running I'm willing to do. I can't plan a long run every weekend, and some weekends I will only have time for a short run. Hiking and biking are a big part of my recreation, and I have to leave room for them. Both those activities also provide decent light cross-training for mountain runs.
The general plan I'm going to use this year is to really focus everything around those long runs again. I won't try to achieve too high a volume, but will rely on the long runs and cross training to get me endurance fit. Adequate recovery is a key part of my training plan design.
I will use a 3 week cycle, as that will allow for a long run about every 10 days, but will also allow me to establish week patterns that repeat. The first long run in the cycle will be the longer one, starting now at about 2 hours, and working up to 4 hours in a few months. The second long run will begin at 1:40 and work up to about 2:30. With the long runs spaced apart a little farther, the idea is that the runs can be slightly longer and still allow for better recovery.
The goal is to run about 6 days a week, but other than the long run, only one other run over an hour per week. The buildup of the length of the long runs will increase faster at first, then taper into the maximum lengths. After I get into my training rhythm I will add tempo runs. I designed this plan because it will let me really get out there on a few days, and go relatively easy for most of the other days. I find that type of training more mentally relaxing than trying to do similar volume every day.
The main long run, the first week in every 3 week cycle, will increase rapidly, while the 2nd week long run will increase more slowly and max out at about 2:30. I will also include hiking and biking in the plan, especially as weather warms and outdoor biking is better. For my goal race (escarpment trail) hiking is good cross training, as is biking to a lesser degree. For me the main thing isn't the running volume, though I'd like to be close to the plan, but all will be judged on how I'm feeling and doing on those long runs about every 10 days apart.
Here's the repeating 3 week pattern of run durations, where beginning minutes is where I am now, and maximum minutes will be what I work up to over a few months.
Begin Maximum
day Minutes Minutes
1 30 30
2 120 240
3 25 30
4 40 50
5 70 80
6 30 35
7 0 0
8 40 50
9 60 70
10 30 30
11 100 150
12 25 30
13 40 50
14 0 0
15 40 50
16 80 90
17 30 35
18 40 50
19 60 70
20 40 50
21 0 0
hrs/wk 5 6.6
*Training Detail Through August 2012*
Climb is in feet. Effort is 0 to 10, representing my effort that day
for my current fitness level for that run duration. For example, for a 2
hour run, a level 5 is 50% of how much effort I could put into a race
of 2 hour duration based on my current fitness that week.
Date Type Time Climb Effort HR Comment
1-Jan hike 2:20 600 5 stony brook
2-Jan run 0:58 600 6 ram park
3-Jan run 0:25 2 gym
3-Jan ellip 0:15 2
4-Jan run 1:32 1000 5 ram park
5-Jan run 0:30 4 gym
6-Jan hike 1:25 700 4 mohonk
7-Jan run 1:12 900 6 149 stony brook (hr up to 185)
8-Jan hike 0:40 260 2
9-Jan run 0:40 4 gym, mini progressions
10-Jan run 1:06 900 4 147 stony brook
11-Jan run 1:01 700 4 mohonk carriage roads mostly
12-Jan run 0:20 2 gym
12-Jan bike 0:20 2 gym
13-Jan off
14-Jan run 1:25 1100 2 144 stony brook white to black to white to red
15-Jan hike 0:42 280 1 ram park
16-Jan run 0:30 2 gym
17-Jan run 2:20 1900 4 139 ram park
18-Jan run 0:25 1 gym
19-Jan run 0:41 260 2 mohonk
20-Jan run 1:11 900 2 137 stony brook
21-Jan run 0:30 3 gym
22-Jan off
23-Jan run 0:41 2 gym
24-Jan run 1:03 640 1 ram park
25-Jan run 0:35 2 gym
26-Jan run 0:43 3 some strides
27-Jan run 0:25 1 gym
28-Jan run 1:56 1800 3 143 stony brook
29-Jan hike 0:55 250 2 stony brook
30-Jan run 1:29 900 4 ram park
31-Jan hike 1:30 450 2
1-Feb run 1:23 1300 3.5 ram park
2-Feb run 0:30 1 gym
3-Feb run 0:46 500 2
4-Feb run 1:09 1200 2.5 stony brook
5-Feb off
6-Feb run 0:43 360 2 Audabon
7-Feb run 1:01 260 3 Reed St park
8-Feb run 0:25 120 1 Audabon
9-Feb run 2:53 2300 4 145 stony brook
10-Feb run 0:31 260 1 ram park
11-Feb run 0:51 300 1 stony brook
12-Feb off
13-Feb run 1:07 600 2.5 ram park
14-Feb run 0:41 5 gym trd speedplay
15-Feb run 0:20 2 mohonk
15-Feb hike 1:06 500 3 mohonk
16-Feb run 1:21 1100 3 139 ram park
17-Feb run 2:03 1050 4 135 stony brook
18-Feb hike 1:15 360 1 ram park
19-Feb run 0:43 400 2 stony brook, white trail
20-Feb run 1:01 600 5 stony brook
21-Feb run 0:37 360 3 ram park, some jamming
22-Feb run 2:15 1700 4 139 stony brook laps
23-Feb run 0:27 160 2 ram park
23-Feb hike 0:28 200 1 ram park
24-Feb run 0:20 1 gym, trd
24-Feb walk 0:15 2 gym, trd
25-Feb run 0:35 3 gym, trd, speedplay
26-Feb hike 0:45 300 ram park
27-Feb run 0:37 380 2.5 ram park
28-Feb run 3:30 2300 4 142 southern harriman
29-Feb run 0:27 1 gym trd
1-Mar run 0:49 400 1.5 ram park
1-Mar hike 0:37 150 2 ram park
2-Mar run 0:43 300 2.5 mohonk
2-Mar hike 0:35 200 3 mohonk
3-Mar run 0:30 4 gym HR lower ladder test
4-Mar hike 2:10 500 3 stony brook
5-Mar run 1:05 400 2 ram park
5-Mar hike 0:45 500 2 ram park
6-Mar run 0:37 3 gym trd
7-Mar run 0:59 500 3.5 ram park
7-Mar hike 0:28 300 2 ram park
8-Mar run 1:07 580 4.5 stony brook, 1st run in NB MT20
9-Mar run 0:37 200 1 ram park
9-Mar hike 0:23 250 1 ram park
10-Mar off
11-Mar run 2:17 1800 4 145 stony brook
11-Mar hike 1:12 600 2.5 stony brook
12-Mar hike 1:08 560 2 stony brook
12-Mar run 0:33 60 2.5 stony brook
13-Mar run 1:31 300 3.5 stony brook
13-Mar hike 0:47 500 2.5 stony brook
14-Mar hike 1:25 1400 3.5 overlook
15-Mar run 0:56 660 8 ram park, hard effort
16-Mar hike 0:20 200 2.5 stony brook
16-Mar run 1:53 1200 3 135 stony brook
17-Mar run 0:41 300 1 ram park
17-Mar hike 0:35 260 2 ram park
18-Mar hike 5:03 2300 3.5 harriman
19-Mar hike 0:57 560 2 stony brook
19-Mar run 0:36 60 1 stony brook
20-Mar run 0:50 200 1 126 stony brook
20-Mar hike 1:03 860 2 stony brook
21-Mar run 3:53 3100 3 135 stony brook
21-Mar hike 0:23 60 2 stony brook
22-Mar hike 0:49 600 2.5 ram park
22-Mar run 0:27 2 ram park
23-Mar run 1:17 480 2 stony brook
23-Mar hike 0:43 700 3 stony brook
24-Mar off
25-Mar hike 0:35
26-Mar off
27-Mar run 1:49 1700 3.5 stony brook
27-Mar hike 1:10 700 2.5 stony brook
28-Mar run 0:43 200 3 ram park28-Mar hike 0:34 400 3.5 ram park
29-Mar run 0:27 100 2 ram park
29-Mar hike 0:25 400 2 ram park
30-Mar run 2:37 1400 4 145 stony brook
30-Mar hike 0:47 400 4 127 stony brook
31-Mar run 0:27 1 118 gym trd
1-Apr hike 1:54 960 3.7 harriman
1-Apr run 0:23 3 harriman
2-Apr run 0:53 400 7 ram park, fartlek, forays over level 10
2-Apr hike 0:27 260 3 ram park
3-Apr run 1:42 800 5 harriman
3-Apr hike 0:29 260 5 harriman
4-Apr run 0:27 40 1 ram park
4-Apr hike 1:48 700 3.5 mohonk
5-Apr run 0:43 400 3 140 harriman
5-Apr hike 1:10 460 2 117 harriman
6-Apr hike 1:07 560 2 ram park
6-Apr run 0:48 100 2 ram park
7-Apr hike 0:34 40 2 ram park
8-Apr hike 2:50 760 1 91 harriman
9-Apr run 0:40 40 6 ram park, brisk at times
10-Apr run 1:11 500 5 152 harriman
10-Apr hike 0:35 300 2.5 harriman
11-Apr run 0:29 40 3.5 ram park
12-Apr hike 1:33 650 5 harriman
12-Apr run 0:57 420 6 149 harriman
13-Apr hike 0:18 3 ram park
13-Apr run 3:43 3000 137 ram park
14-Apr hike 1:10 400 1 ram park
15-Apr hike 1:04 600 2 harriman
15-Apr run 0:37 0 2.5 harriman (15m bouldering)
16-Apr run 1:29 605 4 harriman, very hot! 90f
16-Apr hike 0:38 480 3 harriman, very hot! 90f
17-Apr run 0:43 600 4 ram park
18-Apr run 0:33 3 harriman
18-Apr hike 1:11 560 2 harriman
19-Apr run 0:36 8 ram park
19-Apr hike 0:40 300 2 ram park
20-Apr run 2:35 1450 4 145 harriman
20-Apr hike 0:42 440 2 123 harriman
21-Apr hike 0:40 300 1 hook
22-Apr run 0:43 200 4.5 harriman
22-Apr hike 0:27 150 3 harriman
23-Apr run 0:53 450 4 harriman
23-Apr hike 0:34 180 2.5 harriman
24-Apr run 1:41 1230 4 141 ram park, 9 mins brisk (5k pace)
24-Apr hike 0:18 50 2 ram park
25-Apr run 0:20 1 new paltz rail trail
25-Apr hike 0:30 2 new paltz rail trail
26-Apr run 0:53 500 5.5 ram park, 12:42 10k pace, 10:47 10 mile pace
26-Apr hike 0:10 2 ram park
27-Apr run 1:17 540 5.5 144 harriman, down red trail brisk hr150
27-Apr hike 0:18 40 2.5 harriman
28-Apr run 0:41 60 3 134 ram park
28-Apr hike 0:10 ram park
29-Apr off -- rare day of complete rest!
30-Apr run 4:29 1620 7.5 142 Mohonk 'marathon' 26.51m
30-Apr hike 0:15 30 1 mohonk
1-May hike 0:45 60 1 new paltz rail trail
2-May run 0:23 1 gym, trd
2-May hike 0:17 2 gym, trd
3-May run 1:17 640 2 stony brook
3-May hike 0:27 400 2.5 stony brook
4-May run 0:37 100 2 ram park
4-May hike 0:27 460 2 ram park
5-May run 0:53 400 2 ram park
5-May hike 0:15 100 2.5 ram park
6-May off
7-May run 1:45 600 3 stony brook
7-May hike 0:35 400 3 stony brook
8-May run 0:37 40 3 stony brook
8-May hike 1:01 560 2 stony brook
9-May run 1:07 480 4 ram park
9-May hike 0:43 400 3 ram park
10-May run 0:37 100 1 stony brook
10-May hike 1:03 550 2 stony brook
11-May run 0:27 40 2 mohonk
11-May hike 0:55 280 2 mohonk
12-May run 2:11 900 4 148 stony brook
12-May hike 0:55 300 3 124 stony brook
13-May hike 1:00 340 1.5 ram park
14-May run 0:49 340 2.5 stony brook
14-May hike 0:29 200 3.5 stony brook
15-May run 1:11 700 4 ram park
16-May run 0:43 200 3.5 stony brook
16-May hike 0:37 350 5 stony brook
17-May run 1:23 1100 4.5 hook
18-May run 0:30 1 gym, trd
19-May run 1:29 750 4 145 stony brook, fartlek
19-May hike 0:42 135 2 118 stony brook
20-May hike 1:47 700 1 stony brook
20-May run 0:20 3 stony brook, rock play
21-May off
22-May run 0:57 160 3 stony brook
22-May hike 0:55 700 3 stony brook
23-May run 1:27 450 6 ram park, fartlek
24-May run 0:20 8 gym, trd
24-May hike 0:20 2 gym, trd
25-May off travel day
26-May run 0:37 400 1 5k very easy
27-May run 4:27 200 2 121 Pineland Farms 50k
27-May hike 3:30 2500 2 121 Pineland Farms 50k
28-May hike 2:00 150 2 bath, ME
29-May run 0:37 50 3 roads
29-May hike 0:25 300 3.5 roads
30-May run 1:07 120 4 Reid State park
30-May hike 0:25 40 3 Reid State park
31-May run 0:23 50 2 Reid State park
31-May hike 0:47 120 2 Audabon
1-Jun run 1:37 900 6 ram park
1-Jun hike 0:27 550 3.5 ram park
2-Jun run 1:14 440 5 stony brook
2-Jun hike 0:45 645 3 stony brook
3-Jun hike 2:10 1050 1.5 hook loop #1
4-Jun run 0:57 250 3 ram park
4-Jun hike 0:21 300 2 ram park
5-Jun hike 0:20 300 3.5 ram park
5-Jun run 1:07 350 4 ram park
6-Jun run 0:33 2 new paltz rail trail
6-Jun hike 0:17 3 new paltz rail trail
7-Jun run 2:23 1100 5 Mohonk Millbrook ridge trail
7-Jun hike 0:40 475 5 Mohonk & old minnewaska trail
8-Jun run 0:41 300 4 ram park
8-Jun hike 0:15 250 2 ram park
9-Jun run 0:25 3 gym, trd
10-Jun run 1:23 600 4 stony brook
10-Jun hike 1:10 460 4 stony brook
11-Jun run 0:53 150 2.5 ram park
11-Jun hike 0:30 450 4 ram park
12-Jun off
13-Jun run 1:20 550 3.5 southern harriman
13-Jun hike 1:50 600 2.5 southern harriman
14-Jun run 0:43 50 3 ram park
14-Jun hike 0:59 550 3.5 ram park
15-Jun run 0:33 50 2.5 ram park
15-Jun hike 0:27 400 3 ram park
16-Jun run 4:43 5925 4 130 4+ laps overlook, 20+ miles
17-Jun hike 1:15 430 2 misc
18-Jun hike 4:00 1460 1.5 mohonk
19-Jun run 1:09 300 3.5 ram park
19-Jun hike 0:41 500 3 ram park
20-Jun run 1:17 400 2 stony brook. 86f to
20-Jun hike 1:43 750 4 stony brook, 94f humid, argh!
21-Jun run 0:41 100 3 ram park
21-Jun hike 1:10 500 3 ram park
22-Jun run 0:39 220 3.5 stony brook
22-Jun hike 0:49 350 3 stony brook
23-Jun run 1:34 600 4 ram park
23-Jun hike 0:44 1100 3.5 ram park
24-Jun off
25-Jun run 1:09 400 6 stony brook
25-Jun hike 0:55 450 3 stony brook
26-Jun run 2:35 1600 5 stony brook
26-Jun hike 0:35 200 3 stony brook
27-Jun run 0:43 160 3 ram park
27-Jun hike 0:42 500 3 ram park
28-Jun run 1:13 225 4 142 stony brook
28-Jun hike 1:03 470 2 118 stony brook
29-Jun run 0:47 200 4 ram park
29-Jun hike 1:01 400 2.5 ram park
30-Jun hike 0:57 400 1 ram park
1-Jul hike 1:03 340 1.5 ram park
2-Jul run 1:17 660 3 121 stony brook
2-Jul hike 0:28 140 3 144 stony brook
3-Jul run 0:47 400 4 ram park
3-Jul hike 0:17 100 3 ram park
4-Jul hike 2:10 500 1.5 stony brook
5-Jul run 1:07 600 4 ram park 91f
5-Jul hike 0:37 160 3 ram park
6-Jul run 0:37 3 new paltz rail trail
6-Jul hike 0:25 2 new paltz rail trail
7-Jul run 0:57 650 4 ram park, sprint at end
7-Jul hike 0:15 50 3 ram park
8-Jul run 3:18 3068 5 141 Peekamoose to
8-Jul hike 1:10 1818 5 131 Neversink River
9-Jul hike 0:37 20 2 new paltz rail trail
10-Jul run 0:37 160 2 ram park
10-Jul hike 1:07 500 3 ram park
11-Jul run 0:37 100 4 stony brook
11-Jul hike 0:56 400 3 stony brook
12-Jul hike 2:42 1200 3 stony brook
12-Jul run 0:53 300 3 stony brook
13-Jul run 1:11 180 2.5 ram park
13-Jul hike 1:13 600 2.5 ram park
14-Jul hike 1:03 350 1.5 ram park
15-Jul run 0:37 100 2 hook mountain
15-Jul hike 0:33 450 2 hook mountain
16-Jul run 1:05 300 3.5 stony brook
16-Jul hike 1:01 400 3 stony brook
17-Jul run 1:13 500 3 ram park
17-Jul hike 1:01 700 4 ram park 96f
18-Jul run 0:37 140 3.5 stony brook
18-Jul hike 1:07 400 4 stony brook
19-Jul run 0:37 3 trapps loop
19-Jul hike 0:33 320 2 trapps loop
20-Jul run 1:07 620 4 ram park
21-Jul run 1:43 1000 4 stony brook
21-Jul hike 1:17 800 4 stony brook
22-Jul hike 2:05 500 1.5 stony brook
23-Jul run 0:17 2 ram park
23-Jul hike 0:20 350 2 ram park
24-Jul run 0:57 350 3.5 stony brook
24-Jul hike 0:35 150 3 stony brook
25-Jul run 0:45 500 7 ram park, hard fartlek
25-Jul hike 0:51 200 2.5 ram park
26-Jul hike 2:17 500 1.5 stony brook
27-Jul hike 0:51 50 2 ram park
28-Jul off
29-Jul run 5:01 5000 8 160 Escarpment Trail Run
30-Jul hike 0:33 rail trail
31-Jul hike 1:42 500 2 ram park
31-Jul run 0:05 3.5 streambed running
1-Aug hike 1:47 500 2.5 stony brook
2-Aug hike 1:48 550 2 ram park
3-Aug run 0:47 350 4 stony brook
3-Aug hike 0:42 150 3 stony brook
4-Aug off
5-Aug run 1:57 800 3.5 143 stony brook
5-Aug hike 1:10 400 4 143 stony brook
6-Aug run 1:23 700 3.5 ram park
6-Aug hike 1:30 500 3 ram park
7-Aug run 0:57 250 4 stony brook
7-Aug hike 1:18 300 3 stony brook
8-Aug hike 1:21 520 2 stony brook
8-Aug run 0:29 0 2 stony brook
9-Aug run 0:47 50 2.5 ram park
9-Aug hike 1:44 850 3 ram park
10-Aug run 0:53 420 7.5 ram park
11-Aug run 0:47 200 3 stony brook
11-Aug hike 2:57 800 2.5 stony brook
12-Aug run 2:07 630 4 142 stony brook
12-Aug hike 2:35 1110 4 123 stony brook
13-Aug run 0:53 400 3.5 south harriman
13-Aug hike 2:17 700 2.5 south harriman
14-Aug run 1:11 600 3.5 ram park
14-Aug hike 1:44 700 3 ram park
15-Aug run 0:27 50 2.5 south harriman
15-Aug hike 1:05 480 2.5 south harriman
16-Aug run 2:53 875 5 Slide Loop
16-Aug hike 2:55 4225 5 Slide Loop
17-Aug run 0:27 30 2 ram park
17-Aug hike 0:38 350 2 ram park
18-Aug off
19-Aug run 2:03 700 3.5 south harriman
19-Aug hike 1:37 600 3.5 south harriman
20-Aug run 0:33 20 2.5 south harriman
20-Aug hike 2:02 500 2 south harriman
21-Aug run 1:40 800 3.5 south harriman
21-Aug hike 2:03 1000 4 south harriman
22-Aug run 0:51 200 2.5 ram park
22-Aug hike 1:21 700 3 ram park
23-Aug run 0:35 40 4 south harriman
23-Aug hike 1:22 500 2.5 south harriman
24-Aug run 0:37 100 4 ram park
24-Aug hike 0:43 300 2.5 ram park
25-Aug run 2:33 800 3 136 south harriman
25-Aug hike 1:55 605 3 122 south harriman
26-Aug hike 1:10 340 1 ram park
27-Aug run 0:31 100 2.5 south harriman
27-Aug hike 1:52 500 1.5 south harriman
28-Aug run 0:27 0 3 south harriman
28-Aug hike 1:05 520 2.5 south harriman
29-Aug run 1:29 240 3.5 ram park
29-Aug hike 2:01 1935 3 ram park
30-Aug run 1:10 500 3.5 south harriman
30-Aug hike 2:13 1000 2.5 south harriman
31-Aug run 0:37 100 6 south harriman
31-Aug hike 1:35 520 3.5 south harriman
1-Sep off
2-Sep hike 3:00 1700 2 Mohonk
I kept track after this, but with less detail and focused on the weekly summary (posted above).
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