
20 Hour Week: Make Time, Peace in Nature

Nature can heal and inspire any time, but if you can make more time to experience it's various moods -- the major and subtle changes of the seasons and weather and the activities of the animals and plants -- the more you can become a part of it.

I've had 20 hour weeks outdoors before, but not in many years. This week I was outside on trails for probably about 25 hours total, but I like to count moving time, to keep a rough idea about my "volume". This tracking comes from my trail running days when I was mostly about training, but now I don't think of training, just movement in nature. Unnecessarily but by habit, I still keep track of overall moving time, the amount of climb, and some measure of effort. So this week came in at 20:39 with about 6200 feet of climb, effort not compiled carefully, but a mix of vigorous hiking (probably 40%), easy hiking (about 35%) and trail running (~25%).

My main point this week though is MAKE TIME if you can to be out there longer, and most importantly, make a chunk of that time for stopping/experiencing nature or exploring. For me this week that was about 5 hours of sitting at various inspiring spots, often writing but sometimes just enjoying, with some exploring side areas and side trails, or listening to and watching wildlife. Over the past summer my main personal lesson learned was the run-hike: freely mixing trail running and easy hiking for a whole new experience that was the best of both worlds. Now though I've realized that stopping and observing and little side explorations enrich the experience even more, but it only really works if you make extra time for it up front and don't "have to be back" for something. I make this point because even if we can make more time for the things we love doing, often we don't do so as a result of following our regular life patterns too blindly.

My second point this week is suggested in the title above: peace with nature and it's elements. This week had a cold rainy day, a windy chilly days, a foggy cool serenely still day, and some sun as well. I realized the best day in some ways was the day I didn't want to go out at first. Doing an errand before the outing I was cold as it was about 35 degrees and raining, with a bone-chilling dampness that seemed to go right through my clothes. But after 20 minutes hiking up the hill, I was warmed up and I started to enjoy it more; the air was still, and only a foggy drizzle remained.

The more time you spend outside in all seasons, the more your body adjusts naturally and is able to stoke it's own heating. In sedentary people (or even sometimes in people who rush outside for an hour or so of exercise throughout the winter), the body loses it's ability to regulate it's temperature properly. I see so many people hiking with what look to me like heavy coats, when I rarely have on more than two thin layers. I don't see sweat on their brow, as I would on me if I were so dressed, which makes me conclude that they've lost the ability to self-regulate temperature. Over time your body can regain it's responses to and place in nature, but only if you're able to relax out there.

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