
Outdoor Week Ending 9/9/12

16:52 time on feet this week, running when I feel like it and hiking when I feel like it. I'm not planning my outings anymore, just choose an area, sometimes choose a route, sometimes just wait until I hit a trail junction then choose.

I'm not actively tracking anything right now, but the Garmin is recording everything for later analysis (if I ever get to it): hiking time/miles/climb/HR and running time/miles/climb/HR. I just hit the lap button when I switch activities so that odd laps are hiking and even laps are running. [Garmin has activity options of Run, Bike and Other, but the switching mechanism screws up the upload to Garmin connect, which is where you get the accurate climb data (and other stuff), so laps are much easier if you want to analyze things later].

I'm not training for anything anymore this year, though I may enter a race or two for fun. Just getting out in the woods in these big parks with so many options and doing whatever I feel like at the time is very freeing. The only reason I'm recording stuff with the Garmin, which is set up to display very limited information, is that I'm kind of curious how the numbers will stack up in the running and hiking categories. But chances are I will ditch the Garmin after a time and just wander out there until the sun hits a certain angle in the sky...

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