Run Rclimb Long Lclimb Hike Hclimb OnFeet
8:12 6725 4:43 5925 5:01 2430 13:13
Date Type Time Climb Effort (HR) Description
11-Jun run 0:53 150 2.5 ram park
11-Jun hike 0:30 450 4 ram park
12-Jun off
13-Jun run 1:20 550 3.5 southern harriman
13-Jun hike 1:50 600 2.5 southern harriman
14-Jun run 0:43 50 3 ram park
14-Jun hike 0:59 550 3.5 ram park
15-Jun run 0:33 50 2.5 ram park
15-Jun hike 0:27 400 3 ram park
16-Jun run 4:43 5925 4 130 4+ laps overlook, 20+ miles
17-Jun hike 1:15 430 2 misc
The highlight of the week was going up to Overlook mountain for hill training with Doug. We ran up twice, hiked up twice and ran down four times. There was a little extra up and down when Liz joined us and we headed back up. I counted the hill training as all run even though we hiked some of it because the effort level was high enough overall. (The distinction I usually make is when I switch to much easier hiking). My quads got a good beating but felt pretty good by Monday. This year I seem to be recovering well. Still doing run-hikes whenever I have time, and loving it. Cheers.
Goals: Escarpment trail July 29th, Vermont 50k Sept 30th
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