
Steamy Week Ending 5/13/12

It was rainy and very humid early in the week, and still felt a little steamy but nicer later in the week. All run-hikes this week except for today.  This week I still had a slight hangover from the 4:29 long run April 30th, but by Saturday I felt pretty good. Now I have an easy week with nothing long upcoming, then a mini-taper week before running 50k on May 27th.

Rtime Rclimb  Ltime Lclimb Htime Hclimb OnFeet
6:44    2160    2:11    900    6:12    2830    12:56

7-May    run    1:45    600    3    stony brook
7-May    hike    0:35    400    3    stony brook

Did a nice little run-hike today at southern Harriman park. Just after starting out I noticed the tree that had fallen across the stream months ago was still alive and growing!

First I hiked easily for 20 minutes up the creek valley before switching to a run to get up to the lake. After stopping at the lake I decided to run around the lake on the red then white trails on the west side, then following the unmarked very tight single-track that weaved through close mountain laurel on the east side of the lake. That trail stops at the Torne valley dirt road, so I decided to run the road south over to pick up the white trail, but I found the road just as slow as the single-track, super rocky with numerous flooded sections that I chose to pick my way around. I spotted the fresh track of a medium size bear, which perked up my senses a little more until I got back up on the ridge.

After finally getting to and up the short white trail section heading back west, I got to the black trail and it's southern view spot showed the Torne valley lush after recent rains.

Shortly after checking my rattlesnake den (he was either sleeping inside or out hunting), I switched to an easy hike for about 10 minutes, thinking and deciding how much more running I wanted to do today, but shortly decided to run again, and did so until the last half mile or so, when I hiked again. All told 1:45 of running and 35 of hiking today. Overall effort 70%hrmax.

8-May    run    0:37    40    3    stony brook
8-May    hike    1:01    560    2    stony brook

Hiked up to Pine Meadow lake, then ran down. 

9-May    run    1:07    480    4    ram park
9-May    hike    0:43    400    3    ram park

Hiked up the hill, then ran the yellow trail up and over to bear swamp road, then ran the orange trail back, plus a little extra loop, then finished up hiking.

10-May    run    0:37    100    1    stony brook
10-May    hike    1:03    550    2    stony brook

Pretty much the same as Tuesday

11-May    run    0:27    40    2    mohonk
11-May    hike    0:55    280    2    mohonk

Was going to do the Medium-long run today, but didn't feel fresh at all, and ended up just running a little of a loop up at Mohonk, then hiked the rest.

12-May    run    2:11    900    4    148    stony brook
12-May    hike    0:55    300    3    124    stony brook

This was my medium-long run after last week's 4:29 Monday, giving 11 days of rest in between, and 14 days of rest from now to my next 50k in two weeks. I felt pretty good today, and had fun on the rocks.

Anatomy of a run-hike:

Lap   Time  AvgHR
 1     10:11    114    Hike, warmup
 2     26:46    156    Run, mostly uphill
 3     05:02    125    Ran too hard, take a breather hiking
 4     32:52    146    Resume run, mostly downhill
 5     10:02    130    Starting 2nd lap up, hiking
 6     51:32    143    Resume run, settle in, around lake
 7     15:13    121    Finish around lake, leisurely hike
 8     20:26    147    Starting down, last bit running
 9     14:57    133    Finish off with easy hike

Some might wonder if the running is less effective as training when broken up into sections like this. I don't think there's much difference overall, but it's probably slightly less effective as training for running to break it up like this. The benefits are twofold. First, it gives the energy supply system a chance to catch up when trail running, which requires a higher effort than normal running, allowing you to be comfortable doing more on a given day. Second, when I switch to a hike, my experience completely shifts and I relax and take in the natural surroundings in a deeper way. My combined overall heart rate was 140, or 73% of maximum heart rate, which shows that blending in an hour of hiking nicely moderates the overall effort.

The less-used single-track behind the lake:

Sunday:  easy recovery hike
13-May    hike    1:00    340    1.5    ram park

10 inch turtle sunning itself today:

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