Taper week leading up to the 50k run at Pineland Farms Sunday. I'll write up a little report on Pineland, but say here that it was a well run event + pun intended, but... they'd run out of beer by the time we finished at our moderate pace, and that can have a way of cancelling out many of your good feelings about the event, given that those two free beers at the end were the main prize for us. Managed though to finagle a bottle from the secret stash saved for the 50 MILE finishers only.
Rhrs Rclimb Ltime Lclimb Htime Hclimb OnFeet
7:48 1210 4:27 450 4:45 3200 12:33
Date Type Time Climb Effort (HR) Description
21-May off
22-May run 0:57 160 3 stony brook
22-May hike 0:55 700 3 stony brook
23-May run 1:27 450 6 ram park, fartlek
24-May run 0:20 8 gym, trd
Speedplay up to 10 mph
24-May hike 0:20 2 gym, trd
25-May off travel day
26-May run 0:37 400 1 5k very easy
Checked out the course, walked up the hills
27-May Pineland Farms 50 km in 7:57 as:
27-May run 4:27 200 2 121 Pineland Farms 50k
27-May hike 3:30 2500 2 121 Pineland Farms 50k
Since we hiked up most of the hills, I'll guess the amount of hiking.
28-May hike 2:00 150 2 Bath, ME
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