
Outdoor Week Ending 5/20/12

Wet early in the week then a very nice weekend.  The upcoming week will be a mini-taper into a 50k next Sunday. Less hiking this week and I missed it.

Rtime Rclimb  Ltime Lclimb  Htime Hclimb  OnFeet
6:25    3090    1:29    1100    3:35    1385    10:00

14-May    run    0:49    340    2.5    stony brook
                hike    0:29    200    3.5    stony brook

As always I checked the weather for the week ahead and the day first thing, and it was showers all day and for the next few days rainy. I got out late, but it looked from the radar that I could get in a run with only light rain, which for me is much preferable to a downpour. Mine was only the second car in the parking lot, and I didn't see anybody out on the trail as I just did an easy run-hike up to the lake, with 49 minutes of running and 29 minutes of easy hiking. Just a slight drizzle out there. Nice enough out for running in shorts and tshirt but for the slippery rocks at 62f and just a slight drizzle.

15-May    run    1:11    700    4    ram park

Over to Ramapo Park today, getting out early with the promise of less precipitation on the radar for a couple of hours. Again hardly anybody there -- it's night and day with people outside anywhere when it's sunny vs. rainy. I felt a little better than yesterday, did a short loop on the flats by the river to warm up, then headed up the ridge on the green trail, which contours its way up the hill before crossing the gas line cut, which I turned left on up the steep fall-line of the hill. After topping out I took the smoother white trail back along the ridge before crossing over to the blue trail and taking that around the watershed. So many options in this park; I took a couple of side loops on the way back down the mountain. 71 minutes today, about 700 ft climb.

16-May    run    0:43    200    3.5    stony brook
16-May    hike    0:37    350    5    stony brook

Up to Pine Meadow lake again. 

17-May    run    1:23    1100    4.5    hook

Did my old northern hook mountain route from the fire station on the long path north, then coming back on the river trail. 

18-May    run    0:30        1    gym, trd

19-May    run    1:29    750    4    145    stony brook, fartlek
19-May    hike    0:42    135    2    118    stony brook

20-May    hike    1:47    700    1    stony brook
20-May    run    0:20        3    stony brook, rock play

It's nice to go out and be really casual sometimes and just hike, but I enjoyed running a few of the technical sections and the streambed. Perfect day for it -- sunny and dry feeling and in the upper 70s.

I chased this one down the river trail for about a mile before the woods opened up a little.

 The Hudson river where the river trail starts south from near the bottom of  Landing road.

The Stony Brook

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