
Outdoor Week Ending 4/22/12

This week was pretty good, featuring a medium-long run, the secondary long run in my three week long run cycle. I delayed the run until Friday because last week's bigger long run was also Friday, instead of earlier in the week. Next week is all easy shorter running stuff, so maybe I add some more hiking. This weeks summary:

Run    Climb    Long   Climb  Hike  Climb  On feet
6:39    2855    2:35    1450    4:18  2230   10:57


Date       type   h:mm  climb level (HR) description
16-Apr    run    1:29    605    4    harriman, very hot! 90f
16-Apr    hike    0:38    480    3    harriman,

Way too hot for April, and the hot weather seemed to bring some strange people out into the woods. I saw some things I'd rather not have seen.

17-Apr    run    0:43    600    4    ram park

Easy little loop up the silver then orange trails, to the red-yellow left loop, wearing the NB MT20s. Love wearing those minimal shoes once in a while to reconnect with the ground more.

18-Apr    run    0:33        3    harriman
18-Apr    hike    1:11   560    2    harriman

This was an easy hike up the valley and run down on the white trail. Another big advantage of doing run-hikes is that you can run whatever part of the terrain you want, and go easy on the other stuff. On this day I didn't want to do any uphill running at all, so didn't, but was still able to enjoy a great hilly technical trail.

19-Apr    run    0:36        8    ram park
19-Apr    hike    0:40    300    2    ram park

At Ramapo park a few times when I wanted really easy runs, I had done a short mostly flat loop around the small lower lake, along the river a little, then looping back to the other side of the lake. I had thought of doing intervals there since part of the loop is open running with decent footing on a somewhat-too-sandy road, not nearly as fast as asphalt, but for me much more enjoyable.

I'd seen natural starting and ending points for the work part of the interval, with a shorter section on slower trails, so I just kind of did it as a lark, but ended up working the second interval a little and the third I pushed more. I'm still carrying more weight than I want, and need to start doing more quality running soon, but I felt good opening it up a little, probably finishing at about 6:00 pace. Splits based on GPS:

Time     Dist     Pace         HR   %hrmax
7:14.0    0.81    8:55.8      136    71     MP
4:03.9    0.37    10:59.2    138    71.5  recovery
6:21.1    0.81    7:50.5      160    83     10 mile pace
3:53.8    0.37    10:31.9    152    78     recovery
6:03.2    0.82    7:22.9      169    88     10k pace
4:10.4    0.38    10:58.9    155    80     recovery

20-Apr    run    2:35    1450    4    145    harriman
20-Apr    hike    0:42    440    2    123    harriman

I detailed this medium-long run-hike where I saw a couple of rattlesnakes on another post, but will give some run stats here, as an example of how a run-hike can develop and can allow for a lightly longer route, and a somewhat more relaxed approach. I like to know how much I hiked and how much I ran, but the distinction blurs when I'm running and encounter a steep hill, which I will very often hike, but because of a higher sustained effort, I will still count that time as part of the 'trail running' time. For the most part I only mix run efforts with very easy hiking efforts, to make a distinction, and to shift my mind to that of a more relaxed approach to hiking.

 time     climb    avghr
  10:00    117    104   Hike as easy warmup
1:04:36    723    142  Run effort
  10:59    156    148   Hike, but hard terrain gets HR up
  10:55    39    148     Run more flat and downhill
  11:21    144    137   Hike With the European guy a bit
1:20:05    631    145  Finish the majority of the run here
  10:00       -        -     Easy cooldown hike

21-Apr    hike    0:40    300    1    hook, really easy

The day after even a moderately long run of 2:35 as yesterday, I will often just do easy hiking or a very short run of 30 minutes or less, just something to get out and moving for a little while.

22-Apr    run    0:43    200    4.5    harriman
22-Apr    hike    0:27    150    3    harriman

Wore the NB MT110s 'dream' shoes on my scamper up the red trail today, and then down the white trail in my favorite part of the stony brook valley. I got to test these shoes on wet rocks today, and generally practice running on wet rocks, since it’s been so dry this year, and my goal race the escarpment trail is most often wet and the rocks are steep. These shoes did well, but one still has to be more careful on wet days.

Some Photos from the week:

Had I been running faster and looking down or not forward enough, I might have almost stepped on this:

 View Southeast from Suffern-Bear mountain trail.

The east-west Kakiat trail.

Rustled loudly enough to make me jump a little to my left, then I saw it six feet away.

Chart of my run training progression and hiking activity:

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