
Outdoor Weeks Through 11/18/12

Week ending 11/18/12:  14:27, 5300' climb, more hiking than running

With the shorter days and colder temps time on the trails will be more limited, but I was able to get out more than I expected this week and it's been fun out there. Had to use the headlamp a few times, and plan to keep it in my pack from now on.

Week ending 11/11/12:  13:29, 6230' climb, more hiking than running

Got back to a slightly more normal schedule and continued clearing what I could from outer trails as I got to them, and did more running, but November and December will be light and easy so probably much more hiking than normal and running only when I feel inspired.

Week ending 11/4/12:  12:56, 4280' climb, mostly hiking

Power out for 3 days after Sandy struck, but didn't have it bad -- last year hurricane Irene flooded my stuff. Street walking only the two days of the storm, before the wind got too bad on Monday, and after things died down enough on Tuesday. Power lines down all over the neighborhood and dangerous to walk too far. Started back out on trails again Wednesday and started clearing trails of small blow-down and anything I could lift, but downed trees everywhere and major trail blockages in many places. (I will post pix of some of the downed trees I saw later). The trails were pretty empty as people dealt with no power, gas lines, and the like, but there were some people out hiking.

Week ending 10/28/12:  8:43, 3750' climb, mostly hiking

Recovery week after 50k race, took a few days off, then eased back into things. Then after I got back home, did some preparation for Hurricane Sandy.

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