Planned Planned PerWeek PerWeek Long Long
Hours Long Hours Climb Time Climb
5:17 1:24 5:15 2820 2:15 1700
20-Feb run 1:01 600 5 stony brook
Red trail to orange up the hill then downhill on the blue trail back to red, then working it on the white trail back south, up the pipeline back to red to finish. Ran the creek bed 4 times, too much fun!
21-Feb run 0:37 360 3 ram park, some jamming
22-Feb run 2:15 1700 4 139 stony brook laps
Red trail up to no-bridge crossing, then white trail down. Second lap powered up red trail 4 mins faster than first time ~20 mins @ 80% 1 hour race effort. Then I decided to loop east on the white trail to black and then pine meadow lake, exploring there a little, then back on the red trail to white, climbing back to red after the bridge. A little tired, but very nice run. This was one of those days when I wanted to do more, but should have done less. No sooner than I had started on the white trail northeast that my left heel started feeling funny. Sometimes when you sit down and relax such tweaks like that will go away, and it largely did. By the time I got to the lake it was more relaxed and wasn't bothering me, but it told me I need to rest more.
23-Feb run 0:27 160 2 ram park
23-Feb hike 0:28 200 1 ram park
24-Feb run 0:20 1 gym, trd
24-Feb walk 0:15 2 gym, trd
25-Feb run 0:35 3 gym, trd, speedplay
25-Feb hike 0:45 2 ram park
This was another pretty good on-target week, but it was supposed to be a rest week (every 3rd week in my 3 week cycle is a somewhat lower volume week with nothing long), and I should have stuck to the plan and not gone longer on Wednesday. The tweak to my left heel area I felt in the middle of that run was a clear warning sign that I have to go easier sometimes, according to my plan, and that's particularly important because I was doing almost all my runs on the rougher trails prior to that. But my legs (and heel) were fine on the treadmill yesterday, and I should be ready for another 3 hour run early this coming week.
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