
Training week ending 2/19/12

Planned          Actual
Hours Long   Hours Climb Long LgCl
 5:31    2:01    6:15   3150   2:03  1100'

13-Feb        run    1:07    600   2.5  ram park

 Feeling pretty good, but still recovering a little from my long run 2/9, I did the blue/white trail loop then red/yellow-silver in Ramapo park. Good sunny weather.

 14-Feb        run    0:41       -      5    gym trd, light speedplay
15-Feb        run    0:20       -      2    mohonk, part of hike/run
15-Feb        hike   1:06    500    3    mohonk
16-Feb        run    1:21    1100    3    139    ram park

 It was snowing lightly, about 38 degrees. I was trying out a new trail combination. Did the silver trail up to the reservoir, then the orange trail all the way to bear swamp road, then down the road east and back on the yellow-sliver trail. This turned out to be a very nice running loop, with the first uphill on orange rocky and technical, but then fairly smooth to bear swamp road. The yellow-silver is steep and rocky at first, then smooth. I normally wouldn't do 80 minutes the day before a somewhat longer run, but that I wasn't concerned showed me that my training is going well.

 17-Feb        run    2:03    1050    4    135    stony brook

For this run I tried out a few new trails combined with familiar ones, and it turned out to be a great run. I blogged this one with some thoughts about training effort.

18-Feb        hike    1:15    360    1    ram park

Nice little recovery hike with company on a sunny day.

19-Feb        run    0:43    400     2     stony brook, white trail

This easy run today was a simple loop up the creek on the red trail at stony brook, crossing the creek with the white trail and then taking the white trail back south over some of the best technical rocky terrain I've ever run. The trail runs right along the creek over medium sized and then giant boulders that you have to navigate. That section is too short at just over 5 minutes, but it's the most fun of almost any trail in the area. When I got to the pipeline crossing I decided to sprint up the hill to the red trail -- over 80% sprint effort up 100 meters at 40+% grade, so very winded at the top -- so I could run some of the fun technical sections at bottom part, before finishing on the long rock bed that parallels the trail.

Goals: Escarpment trail July, VT 50k Sept.

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