
Seventeen Year Cicadas Emerge

I've been having a great springtime hiking and trail running. The eastern forest of southern New York bloomed magnificently this year, in little over a month's time. Ample rains have made it like a rainforest, and such a stark contrast to the bleakness of late winter after the snow melted away.

Then I noticed, first about two weeks ago just starting, the high decibel song of cicadas, few at first, then more and more, and suddenly thousands of small holes in the dirt on the trail. The 17 year cycle cicadas were emerging!

Nature is so amazing. Cicadas are somewhat interesting but it's the timing that makes me think. In a human life you only have a chance to see these things a few times, only 6 times if you live a very long life. The next cycle for these is 2030! What a different world it will be that far along into the 21st century. Where will I be? What will I be doing? It puts human lifespan into perspective.

Some Pix -- Click to Enlarge:

Some random lizards

 The 17 year cicada (2013 version - there are others)

 Cicada burrow holes

 The laurel is flowering!

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